Freshen up with a Non-Surgical Facelift

Non-Surgical Procedures Rancho Mirage, CASummertime is a time when we often think about freshening up. We are out more; we may want to hop on the whole #nomakeup trend that has continually gained popularity over the past year. The problem is, at a certain age, most women start to struggle with the progress of aging. On the one hand, we want to “age gracefully.” On the other hand, what does that mean?

If you find yourself on this fence, stop trying to balance it all on your own. Get support from your experienced female plastic surgeon in Rancho Mirage. Having first-hand experience of what it means to age in the female body, Dr. Lombardo has specific insight into how to help women reach their aesthetic goals, often without surgery.

Enter, the “Liquid Facelift.”

Non-surgical facelifts have become popular among both men and women. The “liquid facelift” process is one of the several methods of restoring facial symmetry without having to operate. The way that these non-surgical facelift works are by reducing lines and wrinkles and plumping appropriate areas with FDA-approved injectable products. The process of volumizing and lifting and smoothing may be conducted separately, or alongside brightening treatment such as a chemical peel. The beauty of any cosmetic treatment performed today is that it can be tailored to individual need.

Is a non-surgical facelift right for you?

You may have smoothed those crow’s feet or frown lines with Botox, or may have addressed nasolabial folds with Juvederm, but is it time to go all the way? To jump in and restore the harmony between all of your facial features? Here are some of the concerns that can be corrected with our meticulous injectable process:

  • Under eye puffiness
  • Drooping brows
  • Drooping jowls
  • Marionette lines and nasolabial folds
  • Smoker’s lines or wrinkles around the mouth
  • Worry lines on the forehead
  • Deflated lips
  • Flat or sagging cheeks
  • Under eye hollows

Why piecemeal your anti-aging program when you can freshen up your whole face with a non-surgical facelift? The benefits of injectables are that treatment does not send you into hiding for a week or more. In fact, after a non-surgical facelift, you will be excited to show the new you to the world. Mild swelling and bruising are typically the side effects that occur after treatment, and they tend to last only a few hours.

Let’s talk about how we can help you manage the aging process in your own unique and beautiful way. Call our office at 760-610-8990.

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