Before And After Your Tummy Tuck

tummy tuck From pregnancy to weight loss, the excessive skin just can’t seem to snap back in place. You’ve done the hard work and it can be totally understandable to be frustrated that your body won’t put in half the effort! Maybe you’ve tried the at-home remedies from essential oil blends to smelly creams and even some ‘tonics’ that are really just lemon juice in water. Or maybe you want to skip all those techniques that won’t do you much good when it comes to loose skin or separated abdominal muscles. If you’re considering a tummy tuck, keep reading to learn what you have in store before and after your procedure!

Before Your Tummy Tuck 

Before your tummy tuck, it might be nice to know the medical term for the procedure: Abdominoplasty. A tummy tuck is a procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and tightens the muscles to give a natural but strengthened look. There are different types of abdominoplasties from mini to full and extended. A consultation with Dr. Lombardo can help outline your needs and line them up with your options along with best recommendations. Something else to consider with your tummy tuck is that it should not be the first step in any weight loss goals, in fact, you should be near or at your goal weight before your tummy tuck procedure. This is to ensure that no further sagging skin will occur.

After Your Tummy Tuck 

Depending on the type of your tummy tuck, which can range from taking one to five hours, the recovery time can vary from two to six weeks. Strenuous activity and exercise will need to wait until at least the six-week mark, but trust your body in informing you after the six week mark. As the recovery period is dependent on both your case and your procedure, speaking with Dr. Lombardo can give you a better idea of what to expect and what you need to do.

Ready To Speak With Dr. Lombardo?

If you’re ready for someone who has made a career out of professionalism and care then call the helpful, professional team at Lombardo Cosmetic Surgery at 760-610-8990!

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