Correcting Age-Related Problems Around the Eyes

When we look in the mirror, most of us have one area that we notice before others. When we interact with others, we do the same. According to studies, the area of the face that is commonly noticed first is the eyes. Alongside that is the smile. As we come into a busy holiday season, correcting age-related problems around the eyes may be the best gift a person can give themselves. This gift doesn’t just smooth lines and wrinkles, it provides a bigger boost of self-confidence than one might imagine. Here, we discuss some of the common problems in the eye area and how we can quickly correct them.

Problem: Undereye bags

Solution: TBD

Undereye bags are a very common problem. This problem may have developed with age or only gotten worse over time. Some of our patients who visit us with the concern of undereye bags are still quite young. For them, puffiness may relate to genetics, lifestyle, or a condition such as allergies. In any case, we look at a few factors before recommending a solution.

Treatment for undereye bags may involve surgery or it may involve injectables. The deciding factors include the severity of the problem, the results a patient wants, and the preference for downtime.

Dermal fillers can be inserted in the crease under the eye at the upper cheek to disguise the appearance of bags. Results can last up to two years. No downtime is needed.

Blepharoplasty surgically repositions and trims tissue under the eyes to permanently refresh this area. It takes about 10 days to recover.

Problem: Heavy Upper Eyelids

Solution: Botox

The skin on the upper eyelids is delicate and will thin over time. Beneath the skin, the upper eyelid has fatty tissue. Above the upper eyelid are muscles that help move the eyebrows. These muscles sometimes pull downward, causing the upper eyelids to look heavy, even droopy. When it is muscle pull that is causing this problem, Botox may be an ideal solution. A few quick injections into the brow line eases muscle contraction so the brows can lift. When the brows sit in the proper position, the skin on the upper eyelid can lie smoothly.

While Botox is an outstanding treatment for the eye area, heavy upper eyelids may also be a laxity issue. When tissue has simply loosened and become saggy, eyelid rejuvenation with blepharoplasty may be the best solution.

Dr. Lombardo is a Palm Springs surgeon and a diplomate of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. She has helped patients from the immediate area, Los Angeles, and nearby states feel better about their faces and bodies. To consult with Dr. Lombardo, call (760) 610-8990.

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