Lombardo Cosmetic Surgery | Dr. Maria Lombardo | Rancho Mirage, CA

Easy Treatments to Address the Common Signs of Aging

Easy Treatments to Address the Common Signs of AgingAge brings experience, wisdom, and, for many, inner peace. That inner peace is sometimes disrupted to some degree by other aspects of age, including the development of lines and wrinkles, flattening cheekbones, and sagging skin. If you’re here, you probably know that there are several ways to deal with the cosmetic concerns that develop with age. Here, we discuss what the common concerns are and options you may want to consider to restore a more youthful appearance.

The Aging Face

We all age differently. However, many people notice similar concerns at some point. These include:

  • The eyes or cheeks may begin to look sunken or saggy
  • Volume in different parts of the face, such as the cheeks, decreases
  • Lines and wrinkles form around the mouth, nose, eyes, and forehead
  • The hairline may recede, making the forehead appear more prominent
  • The jawline begins to look softer, then saggy, due to jowls

Personalized Care for a Younger-Looking Face

Plastic surgeons used to rely on surgical techniques alone to rejuvenate the face. Now, we have a wider selection of options to meet the full spectrum of anti-aging needs.


Facelift surgery itself has changed significantly over time. Surgeons no longer focus only on the skin. Today’s facelift repositions deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue as well as the skin to create a naturally refreshed position that lasts. In addition to lifting muscle and tissue, a facelift can also correct facial contouring. This is often done with fat cells taken from another part of the body, like the abdomen or thighs. This technique is referred to as fat transfer or fat injections, and it is an efficient way to enhance the effects of a facelift. The effects of a facelift last indefinitely, although the process of aging continues.


There are two categories of injectables that are commonly used to rejuvenate the face. One category is the neuromodulator class of injectables. Botox is an example of a neuromodulator. This injectable is inserted into superficial muscle tissue to decrease tension that causes wrinkles like frown lines. The other common category of injectables is dermal fillers. These products are inserted into the dermis, where they build a scaffold for the skin. Dermal fillers may bind to water molecules or lay a foundation of particles beneath the skin to bring wrinkles up to the surface, plump the lips or cheeks, or even reshape the nose. The results of injectable treatments can last from about six months to two years.


A nonsurgical form of skin-tightening, Renuvion, or J-Plasma, works through the combination of radiofrequency energy and helium gas. The plasma beam that develops beneath the skin has unique qualities that cause the skin to contract and tighten. Studies indicate that the contraction that occurs during Renuvion treatment is greater than any other technology currently available, including ultrasound and laser.

Aging will be a part of our life regardless of what we do. However, there are multiple ways to manage the process. To learn more about how we can help you, call (760) 610-8990 to schedule a consultation at our Rancho Mirage office.

Posted in: Cosmetic Surgery

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