Neck Contouring: Kybella or Liposuction?

A woman has skincare on her neck.Fatty tissue under the jaw, referred to as a double chin, is a pretty common problem. People of all ages complain about this issue, which we call submental fullness. It doesn’t matter if your weight is right where you want it and within a healthy range. It doesn’t matter if you eat well and work out regularly, you could develop a double chin. If you have fat along the bottom of your chin and jaw, you may be tired of trying to find the perfect angle for your selfies and photographs. You may be ready to bid farewell to this unwanted fat. Here, we discuss two ways you can.


Kybella is a unique injectable treatment that is in a class all its own. It isn’t a dermal filler or wrinkle-reducer, it’s a fat-buster that has been approved specifically for the double chin. A Kybella appointment involves drawing a grid pattern of dots on the upper neck. An injection is made at each point. This distributes the deoxycholic acid properly across the treatment area. Because a number of injections are made, patients experience swelling in the upper neck that can last a few days. The swelling is not from inflammation but from the deoxycholic acid fluid sitting in the intracellular space, waiting to get absorbed by fat cells. As absorption occurs, swelling subsides. Patients may need three or four treatment sessions to achieve the best results.

Neck Liposuction

The liposuction procedure is a manual method of extracting fat from a targeted area. Most people know that liposuction is an excellent solution for belly fat, the thighs, hips, and other large areas of the body. It is also very well suited to the neck. Here, the procedure is often performed in the office with a local anesthetic that sufficiently numbs the area. The doctor uses a very small cannula that is ideal for the size of the surgical site. Neck liposuction usually takes less than an hour and has very little downtime. Early recovery may involve moderate swelling and bruising. Discomfort can be managed with an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen. Patients may need up to a week off work and exercise to allow full and optimal healing to occur.

And There’s More

Advances in technology continue to expand our options for submental fullness. An additional treatment our patients can consider is Renuvion™.  This procedure combines Helium Plasma with Radio Frequency energy to deposit controlled heat and deliver distinct tissue contraction that results in profound skin tightening. After treatment, which is minimally invasive and similar to liposuction, skin tightening is noticeable immediately and continues to improve over time.

Learn more about how we can help you resolve that double chin problem. Contact our Rancho Mirage office at (760) 610-8990.

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