How To Take Care of Your Skin After a Chemical Peel

Beautiful brunette spa girl with glowing hydrated facial skin touching healthy palm.If you are considering getting a chemical peel, you should know that it is not just one treatment. There are several steps involved in the process, and each one takes time.

First, you need to consider the type of chemical peel that you want to have done on your face or body. There are different types of chemical peels, including glycolic acid peels and trichloroacetic acid peels. Each type has its own benefits and results, so choosing one will depend on what you want to achieve with your skin care regimen.

Second, once you have decided which type of chemical peel suits you best, there are other factors that come into play when deciding on how many chemical peels to get per year. Factors like how much time has passed since the last peel, your skin type and what kind of results you are looking for all play an important role in deciding how often you should get additional treatments.

Aftercare for Chemical Peels

It’s important to protect your skin from sunlight while it’s healing from a chemical peel. Sunlight can cause burning and swelling, which will delay healing. It’s also important that you don’t pick or scratch at any scabs that form during healing. This can lead to infection or scarring.

Keep Your Hands Off!

After the treatment, avoid touching your face with dirty hands as this can spread bacteria across your face and create an infection. It is best if you use cotton gloves or tissues when touching anything near your face or eyes until your skin has completely healed.

Why use Lombardo Cosmetic Surgery for your chemical peel?

The best way to achieve the look you want is with expert guidance. Dr. Lombardo has been practicing for more than 15 years and has helped patients achieve their aesthetic goals.

Chemical peels have been used by dermatologists for decades to improve the appearance of skin with minimal side effects or downtime. The peel consists of an application of a chemical that causes a controlled burn injury on the surface of the skin that stimulates new cell growth and exfoliation while reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Call Dr.Lombardo today at 760-610-8990 to book your consultation in Palm Springs!

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